Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Spare of the moment kitchen revamp!

Yesterday was  a really long day, i just feel like i have managed to do so much!normally the times slips away and i have achieved nothing, but i do think today was made long by the little guys waking us up super early, let put it this way by the time i took the big kids to school all the house work was done, so i get back have a cup of tea and think what now... i know i will paint the kitchen, the whole house needs painting really but i thought i would make a start. Most of the downstairs is white with colour walls, but the kitchen is completely white. While i was busy painting Fred kept saying he wanted to paint it green and i thought you know what this kitchen could do with a bit of colour, so i popped out to the shed to see what we had in there. Most of them had very little in just enough for if we needed a touch up and the colours were all for the bedrooms, but i did find a midnight blue and bright red that i had used for Ewans room as he has a mini cooper theme in there. Hmmm what to do?  so as my kettle and toaster and other things in my kitchen are baby blue i thought i could mix a baby blue to do a feature wall at the end,

So i poured the blue in some of the white and got the most amazing turquoise color and decide to leave it at that

I painted the window wall and above the cupboards but left the rest white, its hard to describe my kitchen but its in two parts as it was originally two rooms, so doesn't look odd that i only did one room as there is an arch where they were separated. Thing is i love the colour and really want to do the whole kitchen rather than just feature walls but won't have enough and how will i ever mix the same colour again as i ran out of the blue!!!

When Paul got home he was a bit surprised (good job he loves me and understands my random creative impulses!), probably should have told him, but was just going with it and it was completely spare of the moment!

Think i will just have to get another pot of midnight blue and give it a try!!! better not tell Paul though as he is a fan of white...everywhere! and every time i paint a feature wall it takes him a while to adjust to it, he did say we could maybe try a lighter blue, and i completely agreed we would try that in a few years!!! lol. If you don't cook stay out of the kitchen! i did point out that the Star Wars dining room was not my number 1 choice. 

Anyway its really brightened it up and its nice to have a chance so sometimes its good not to plan these things x

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Candy Floss and the EU

It feels like ages and ages ago i last posted on here, the last 4 weeks have been all go with no stopping! In the last 3 weeks i have done NONE, thats zero, crochet or knitting and i have really really missed it, i have been doing some sewing, getting things ready for the gala, but thats about it,i have only watched 1 hour of tv in the last three weeks, i don't watch it much normally but a bit more than that, thought i did watch the referendum news last night and this morning, we voted out, but i was extremely surprised and excited that we won. I was even more surprised at the posts on facebook from people who had voted remain,it was pure anger and rants about idiots and ignorant people who have ruined the country and all doom and gloom. The way i feel is that we are each entitled to our opinions and we are lucky to live in a country where we have a vote and can exercise it either way. I won't go into why i felt the need to vote out but i will say that one thing that i have noticed today with all the ranting from the remain and the excitement from the out campaign, it seems people are very passionate about Britain which is more than i have seem in the election and that can only be a good thing for the county with a higher turnout than usual.

Now that the gala planning from this year is all done and we are just starting to throw around ideas for next year, thought i better get started on planning Mollys birthday which is a couple of weeks, she wanted a hot tub party so we have made it into a hawaiian luau with the help of pinterest and cheap decorations on ebay! i have to admit though i got seriously carried away buying things and one thing lead to another and i ended up with this for the party
A Candy Floss Maker!!!
wow,i have wanted one for years and after a couple of attempts and a quick look at a you tube video i had the knack of it. I seriously had no idea that the pink candy floss i love was just unflavored sugar, i thought it was flavored with something, i had looked on line and was going to buy the special sugar but again pinterest stepped in and told me how to flavor my own and with a cupboard full of colours and flavors,i had a lot of fun! but its packed away now and its really not good for the teeth or the was it, but is definitely lots of fun

So yesterday was Lytham Gala, which is a very long one and as Paul was driving the truck i decided to hop in and as i have not been crocheting for ages i took some along with me, to do in the truck on the way round the parade, funny though as i could here people saying look at here in the front shes knitting!

At least the weather held off! think i will do a post about gala day now and show you all the making fun i have been having x

Tuesday, 7 June 2016

Soup of the week -Roast Butternut Squash

I have been making all different types of soups for a couple of months and experimenting with some of my own, so Paul can take them to work for his lunch and i always have my dinner ready. So i wanted to share some of my favorites.

Roast Butternut Squash Soup

1.5 litres Chicken Stock
1 Large Butternut Squash
1 Large Onion
2 Cloves Garlic
2 tble Spoons White Wine Vinegar
Rosemary or Thyme

Its super easy to make, cut the squash in half and scoop out the seeds, place on a roasting tin with the rosemary and roast in the oven.

Fry the onion and Garlic in a pan. Once softened add the hot stock and white wine vinegar and a pinch of rosemary or thyme.

Once the Squash is ready, peel off the skin, which should come away easily, chop it up and add it to the pan.

Simmer for 15 mins and blend!

This is my favorite soup at the moment and i had already eaten half if it when i remembered to photograph it!
