It was two years ago that we last went to Smithy Farm and the kids have never forgotten it!
So we booked two nights this time.
when we got there it was really windy, getting the tent up really was a team effort! It nearly took off on a couple of occasions. Since our last trip we had bought some more bits, like tables and windbreaks and a fire pit, i was really please with our little set up.
I would prefer a tent with a sewn in groundsheet,but this did the job anyway.
Molly made some bunting for round the tent and i bought little lights for it as well.
Smithy has animals and little tractors for the kids to play on and it was nice they could all just wander off on there own as its only a small site.
I think my favorite part was sitting round the fire pit on that first night, toasting marshmallows, it was just so cosy.
Once it got dark, you could just see all these little fires dotted around the site.
Its funny how the kids don't mind doing chores while we are camping, they each have little jobs to do washing up, making the beds, getting water,i suppose its all part of the novelty.
It was just so relaxing,i managed a bit of knitting and Mum and Dad visited us, the kids were just happy roaming around all day.
I really didn't matter that we were only 10 minutes away from home.
The really good thing is that i think i have finally managed to sleep in a tent, this was the first time i have had a good nights sleep in a tent and so did Paul.
We have booked another camping trip a bit further a field and are looking at a couple more before the summer is out
The kids enjoyed it and thats the main thing! x