Saturday, 25 January 2014

More nesting less making!

I haven't posted for a few weeks, the reason is that the madhouse has been more mad than usual. As well as clearing up from Christmas and putting  the house back in order, my dad has been building a big new wardrobe and storge space in our bedroom. This has been followed by moving everything up stairs around then around, then around again. I have been able to have a big clear out though and sort out all the children s clothes. and with less than 4 weeks till baby number 4 arrives i have only just got round to the task of bringing out all the baby things and setting it all up. I have now finally been through everything and brought the very few bits and pieces that i needed. All to do now is finish the mammoth loads of washing and ironing that this has created.

With all this goig on i havn't had that much time for making. I have started a stripy blanket that was a crochet along from last year, but the website that did it have now put full instructions together, so its now my main at home project and is alot bigger than it should be as it will adorn my bed next winter ( hopefully!)

This is the start of it, If anybody else wanted to start it as well, you can find the instructions on
There are a few other websites that have links as well and its also on Ravelry.

I have also started a challenge for myself, now that i have started selling my hats, i am going to do a hat a week. People keep asking me if i can do this or that so by making up a hat a week i should have a good selection for people to see and choose from, also it will double as stock as i plan to start attending fairs this year. 

So my first hat is .....
The hungry caterpillar!!

I did nearly finish a new little jumper for Fred but unfortunately it will now be way to small as i started it months ago (oops!) but i will stitch it together and i am sure next winter it will fit the newbie!

Best be off now xxx

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