Sunday, 16 November 2014

Elsa & Olaf

I am sat in my new  bed this morning with a sore back and the start of a cold, looking out over the slightly misty field as its just getting light. Paul has got up with the little early birds so i get to spend an hour or so resting before he goes to work.

Last night i finished a little cable knit jumper for baby Alex and even though i have plenty of crochet projects on the go i only ever have one knitting project to do as i am a slow knitter, so i get to decide what i want to start today. Today is going to be a lazy day, probably a pj day. The house work was done (and then undone by the kiddies!) yesterday so apart from Sunday dinner in time for Paul getting home from work all i can see is a day full of nothing. But i am going out tonight with my friends from the gala committee. yay!!!

So this week has been all about Elsa from Frozen. I did a craft fair the other week and needed a new design that would catch peoples eye. Queue Frozen... I haven't seen the film and neither have the kids ( which judging by the way people look at me when i say that seems to make me a bad mother!) but have now ordered it as a Pressie for the days before Christmas as one of the ways to keep them entertained. I did what i always do and googled about to get some inspiration and then started on the hats. People often ask me where i get the patterns from but i make them up as i go along. Its one of the things i love about crochet that once you have made a few things and can work out how to increase and decrease and make different shapes you are half way there.

They proved really popular and i have made one after another of these this week and i have more to do for next week. The orders had sparkles on and sparkly ribbon at the end. Molly loves to wear it to school mainly as she likes the attention she gets i think!

Well then i had to make one for the boys so here is olaf

I have had some more crochet lessons this week which means more time in hatters for the kids which is never a bad thing and even Alex is learning to love it.

In between all the madness this week Paul we took a little trip to the park on a gloriously sunny day. Its nice that Paul has one day off during the week so we can go places with the little ones, then at weekends the bigs ones can do there things

I love this picture, Fred is such a daddys boy.

Well off to get knitting plus judging by the noise downstairs my quiet time is up and i better go and rescue Daddy!

Friday, 14 November 2014

Owl Blanket ta-dah!

Now baby Alex has moved out of our room and into his big cot in Molly's room, i wanted him to have a new blanket just for him for his new cot. I posted before about redecorating Molly's room with a woodland theme so it would be nice for each of them. So i wanted something with an Owl on so it would match the theme, plus i love all the cute little owls there are out there to crochet.

Then  found the most adorable blankie had have seen, i found it via Ravelry on the Red Heart website and wanted to start it straight away and as we were going on holiday i decided to have a go at didn't away along drive.

The blanket part its self was very easy and worked up quite quickly, however we were so busy on our hols that not a lot got done and when i got back it was out a side as i wanted t finish some other things i had on the go.

I picked it back up eventually though and made a start on all the leaves and flowers which i had thought would take forever but were surprisingly quick and easy.

I had a night where i had agreed to baby sit for my friend and this gave me a fantastic opportunity to get on with stitching it all together in peace and quiet with no distraction ( thanks to her very good and fast asleep kids!)

I managed invisible stitches so i was really please with myself as some times in a rush to get things done i can be a bit sloppy with finishing off, but i am learning to be more patient and realizing what a difference it makes, because after all if you have out so much effort and time in you want it to be the best it possible can be
Then it was done... ta-dah!

The pattern link is here 
I would love to know if some of you are going to give it a try.
I taught two lady's to crochet yesterday and this was what they wanted to do so i have started them off and i can't wait to see hoe they get on.
bye for now xxx

Sunday, 9 November 2014


I don't know why i call it that but hallo-b-ween is what its been since the kids where born, i am forever making up words for different things, much to the annoyance of the teachers at school who once called me in to say that my eldest was not saying words correctly "tinternet", "Nursaberry" "Omputer" to name a few. She did laugh when i explained it was my fault and i kept changing words, its just in front of the kids and not every word obviously, but since my telling off i have stopped all but a very few and trust me the kids know its a little joke and that they are not real words. But i like it its a cute little language just between us.

 This year it was at the end of half term, unusually for us we had stayed quite close to home, having days with family and friends as opposed to our usual outings here and there. I think as we had been really busy with things recently it was nice just to chill and hang about. They ended up playing with toys they had not had out for ages and its great to see them play and use ether imaginations and Fred loves them being at home. There were lots of crafty moments

 And family moments ( and this is just a few of them!)
 And one trip to the illuminations ( including fish and chips! yum)

(Selfie in the car)

 Woolly moments ( Of course!!!!) This was not even half of it but it was fun sorting it all out and i have donated some to the school for crafts.

Then finally it was Halloween, apart from a pumpkin i don't usually decorate the house but this year i decided to start a new tradision with the kids and get some decorations in. The kids had a friend each from school come round and we went trick or treating which we do every year. This year it was quite warm for the time of year and the kids could go without there coats and show there costumes off 

Freds first time going to the doors and he liked it, Knock on door get chocolate!
he wouldn't wear a costume so i put Alexs little ghost hat on him.

Then as i was uploading the photos for this post i discovered this picture of the field opposite my house i had taken it on the morning of Halloween as its was the first time the field looked really wintry, but as put it on here i saw it.... can you see it too!!!!!!


Bye for now and thank you for looking xxx