Its a few weeks since Freds birthday now, but i have quite a few unfinished posts. Ever since Ewans birthday Fred has been asking about his and even getting a bit upset when he has come down and found no presents. His birthday was actually on a Saturday, but as Paul had to work and i had gala commitments we decided to pretend it was they day after so we could all celebrate together.
Fred got a motherbike, and i brought him some new trains for the track master Thomas, i set up a bit of it for them and they played lovely together. The Trackmaster trains are around £15 each and i had ordered a couple from Toys'r'us, then a couple of days before his birthday, i saw some in Homebargains for £5.99 each!!! they only had 6 left and 5 different types so i bought the 5, well i couldn't leave them for that price. Sometimes when things like that happen i think they must have been mean't for me, as i have never seen them their before or since, in any case Fred was a happy bunny. My mum also had a lucky find and got a pile of take along Thomas for a charity stall a few weeks before, so we will have to get all the rest out and set it all up together sometime soon, although the last time we only just managed to fit it in the room, so with the extra stuff don't know where we will set it up
This is the easiest cake i have ever made and took all of 5 minutes to decorate. Its just a chocolate cake covered in chocolate buttercream and topped with green colored coconut, with a hole in and one of Freds diggers and some chocolate bars round the side. I did sew the white onto the black ribbon to look like a road!
We had a little tea party like we did for Alex and Nana & Grandad came round.
Another of Freds Presents was load of makey makey stuff and we just let them all go wild with it, the state of the house, was bad, but fun was had by all
Had to add this its a really lovely picture of Alex and daddy
Fred enjoyed his day and is already asking about the next x
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