Saturday, 14 November 2015

another week

This week i have bought another pile of Christmas pressies for the kids, i like to try and get them all bought by the end of November, as December is always really busy, plays, party's, and i have three Gala events as well. They kids have written there lists, Molly seems to have forgotten that the trip we took the other week was part of her present!, we were walking home from school and she was reeling off her even bigger list and i said well you have already had part of your present remember and she blanked me, remember molly, again nothing, eventually she said yes i know! and marched off. She always does that, if she doesn't want to hear something or do something she just blanks it out definitely something she has inherited from Pauls mum. Acctually both the big kids lists are not to big really, i think they have taken on board the trips as presents, i am really trying this year not to go over board with them, as after all i am the one looking for storage for them and most of the time tiding up after them, so really hoping to do away with all the bits that i buy lasy minute every year, to make it look like they have loads of presents and really they don't need, want or even play with!
This was about half of them!

We had a one night pre christmas visit from Elfy Guy, he popped in with a note to tell the kids he is busy and hopes they are being good and will be back when the tree is up! Fred was super excited, he was telling nanna and could barely get the words out. We have been watching videos on youtube where some people have set up cameras to catch the elfs moving, they are so cleverly done.


We had some time this week at hatters and Alex always goes on the bus but i never put money in, as as soon as i do the other kids all used to jump off, but i thought i would give Alex a go and he loved it moving, he is so different to the others, he is so placid and chilled out and not as prone to major meltdowns, i realized as well while Paul was holding him, they are the spitting image of each other, i bet Paul was just like Alex as a child and i can see they have very similar traits. He definitely is a very good loving little boy

He came to the hairdressers with me on Thursday and despite being there for 4 hours, he was happy just to wander around and watch me with fascination as i had tin foil on my hair!

I do feel sorry for Kerrie though she will have has a few mirrors to clean after we left!

I decided to have another complete change, this is the picture i sent to Paul, as i decided to have one of the colours Paul had chosen, So in the week before i had to keep washing and washing it to get as much of the red out as i could, which meant going out with various shades of pink and a washed out look which wasn't great.

And we have Lavender!!!!!

My little pony hair, we all love it, its nice to have a change


  1. I wish we had an Elfy when Laura was little. oh the fun we could have had. Love the new hair colour

    1. The kids love him, and we enjoy it, recently looked at some clips of Elfs caught moving, think we have have to try this x
