Sunday, 28 May 2017

Close to the finishing line...

I can't describe how much pressure i feel i have been under for the last few months, at times it has threatened to over whelm me, its been exciting and daunting all at the same time,didn't think i have every tried to cram in as much as i have recently, but i am close to the end of a lot of it now and other things i have had to pospone.

In a couple of weeks time you will be inundated with posts about Gala and Mollys float and costume, which i have done by myself, a recent tot up of the hours spent on the float alone is around 140 hours! there were times i though it would never get finished and it still isn't but in a few days it will be.

Tomorrow afternoon is Freds 5th birthday Party,which is another thing,we have had all the birthdays along with everything else the last few months, just Molly left but hers is in the summer.Today we are having a day off all of us together are going to spend some well deserved family time together, there hasn't been much of that these past months, its just been about getting the basics done, so we are off to get some breakfast out and then a trip to the beach (fingers crossed it doesn't rain!) I am taking some crochet with me, although it s a cardigan for one of the retinue so still gala work really, but i have missed knitting and crochet so much, its just so relaxing and i keep seeing all these new projects i want to start. After our gala day, i will just have work and councillor work to do for a while, the election will be over so no more leafleting and we will be out at galas for the following 6 weeks which the kids love and its a really great thing for us to do as a family, take a picnic and just enjoy the days.

Emma x

Saturday, 20 May 2017

The Count

Last time i posted it was the morning after the election, it was the count, clearly i was up mega early, i just couldn't sleep and it was so quiet as the kids weren't here. I was just waiting for Paul to get up so we could go out and have some breakfast before we had to be at the Marine Hall for 10am. The atmosphere in the Marine Hall was excitement,  of course at the beginning everyone feels they have a chance, after all it could go either way and you never know what could happen, the polls aren't always right. In the centre of the room the tables went all round like a giant horse shoe with the counting staff in the middle and each group sectioned off with a sign stating which election they were counting. My count was to last, as the other approx 12 counts were all Lancashire County Elections and mine was a borough by-election, this was going to make it along day. we were all allowed to stand on the outside of the tables and watch as they first checked the number of papers against those they had issued and then started to separate them. This is where everyone is leaning over the table trying to count and guess who has more and as they are piling them up you are trying to judge which pile is bigger. Once they have finished that they start to clip the papers together in piles of  them band them up in hundreds and then they stack them up in a tub. This is then point that everyone is watching anxiously as you can clearly see who is winning in most cases and once they have done you can workout the winner. The only thing i can liken it to is being at the casino, everyone stood round the table , you can feel the nerves and excitement and also the disappointment. I never expected to feel such a range of emotions that i did, as they started announcing the winners, as they did this each time a count was finished even while other are still going on, i felt a surge of excitement and pride when one of my party was elected, when it cam to the other  candidates that i had been out canvassing and leafleting with from my association i cried when they won as it really felt like a team effort. Paul was with me and was so excited and was keeping me sane as i was swinging from one thought to another. Finally it was my turn for the count and i couldn't stand up as i was shaking that much, my heart was pounding and i couldn't breath, once they started stacking them up it looked quite close but then i seemed to get ahead and when they had finished it looked like i had won, but i couldn't believe it. I went upon the stage and they made the announcement i had won and by a good amount! I came off the stage straight to Paul, i was shaking, everyone was congratulating me, it felt amazing! I have never felt so proud of myself and so excited what lies ahead. Paul has been amazing and so supportive , we really are a team and this victory was as much his and the whole teams as it was mine. After i received a letter with invites for various events with Councillor Emma Ellison on the front..... It all starts here!

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Election Day

Yesterday was Election day here in Lancashire. There were two elections near me the Lancashire County Council Elections and the by election for the borough council for the ward i live in. I was one of three candidates for the by election,Conservative, Labour & Green. I don't know the results yet at we have to meet for the count at 10am today so i am in a waiting game.

The last few weeks have been a whirlwind for me really, from getting the call so see if i would stand, through the selection process, to getting out and about, pounding the streets leafleting and canvassing. It been busy and hard at times with all my other commitments, but i have loved every minute of it and the nearer the day has got the more i have wanted to win! Paul has been amazing he has been sorting out the house and kids to going out night after night after night leafleting for me! i am so lucky to have him and i think he has enjoyed it all too.

When Paul got his postal vote a few weeks ago it was very emotional to see my name on it and i felt so proud. I really do enjoy all the volunteer work i no and this just feels like the next step.
I have no plan, no agenda i just want to make a difference and i really hope i get the chance.

Once the polling stations were closed last night we all went to the pub for a few well earned drinks and as my parents had the kids a child freenight!

Its all so exciting, but also nerve racking!, the seat i am going for is held by Labour so i have everything to gain!!!
Wish me luck! x
P.S As i think its going to be a long wait today, i have packed the sock i am knitting...

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Rainy Easter Monday

Easter Monday,in fact most of Easter weekend was rather rainy,we stayed in mostly which was perfect as i had so much to do. It been so busy that knitting is on a back burner at the moment but i really miss it,its just so relaxing,so Easter Monday i got up super early and spent an hour on mt Frozen Oceans Shawl

My socks get a row every now and then as well, i carry them in my bag in case i can ever fit a bit in, usually on the bus. I look forward in couple of months to have lots more time to spend finishing all these projects off, i am envisioning, days spent in the garden or hopefully out camping.

Thisis the grey dismal weather we have been having, hopefully it bucks up soon.

Thelast few weeks, leafleting and canvassing have taken up a huge part of my time,

Ewan has been coming out with me as well, and Paul has been out leafleting in the evening for me,its a very exciting time and with less than two weeks to go before the election i really doubt i will have time for anything else

I bought some new craft supplies and that kept the little ones all Easter Sunday, 

Paul took the kids to the season opening of the windmill and make these when they got back

and he helped them make there decorated Easter eggs, as i am so busy at the moment he seems to be taking over the reins in the craft department!

I had a couple of days out, one with Molly to pizza hut and the Cinema to see Beauty and the Beast and one with Ewan to see Running Wild,which was an amazing show at the Grand Theatre and some tea at Harry Ramsdens.
