Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Virtual Beaver Camp Sleepout

On Friday Fred and Alex's beaver leader messaged us all to ask who would like to take part in a virtual camp. The idea was you could pitch a tent in your garden or make a den in your house and they would us zoom to have 30 minute pre set meetings throughout the camp and set challenges. We jumped at the chance for a change and something diffrent to do and also for the kids to see friends one the online meeting. So the camp started at 5pm on Saturday,we had already pitched out tent and the first challenge was to decorate your camp. I had a big box of tropical party decorations for Molly birthday a few years ago so we had a mad dash to get them out.
Next was lighting a campfire and toasting marshmallows
Molly designed a camp flag and there was a disney quiz,making a tower and how meny things can you put in a piece of paper.

Later when it was dark, I put lazers and party lights on and the bubble tube
Ewan even joined us for a while!, he was taking the change to have a late night xbox match with his friends.
After sleeping the the tent, it was more meetings and challenges, this was make a catapult,  also we had save the egg, which we had to make something to keep a  egg safe and drop it from a height, which worked for us,a nice safe egg.

Camp camp closed at 4pm on the sunday. The kids really enjoyed it and the leaders did a great job.

Diamond Painting

Another day another diamond painting! I came across diamond painting on pinterest about 18mths ago and became addicted to to it very quickly. As soon as the first one arrived I started it sticking the gems on, it's so relaxing and really helps me to unwind. It's something you can just pick up and do and you don't really need to think about it.
This one I finished yesterday, it's the best one i have bought,  all the gems came in bags and the picture actually looks like its meant too. Some can look like just blocks of colour, but the bigger the canvas, the more detail you get. Below the one I have just started.
The kids really enjoy it as well so I got these smaller ones for them, which they did at christmas and some little sticker ones they are doing at the moment.

Friday, 1 May 2020

Ewans 14th Birthday

It was Ewans 14th Birthday, as it was in lock down it meant ordering presents from amazon and not being able to get out and get all the bits I usually do for the kids birthdays. Luckily I had a banner hidden away from Alex's birthday and found some balloons. I know he is 14, but with no party and no friends round I wanted to celebrate it as close as possible to how we usually do. He got a new xbox game as one of his presents and spent the day online with friends playing xbox, so I suppose that was sort of a party for him!

One of the hardest things to get hold of was self raising flour so I could make a wonderful cake for him, he requested a chocolate cake so I settled on a chocolate ganache topping, with black cherry jam in the middle and a selection of chocolates and bars on the top. I finally got the flour and baked the cakes, but I used milk instead of dark chocolate for the topping and it didn't set, i put it on the cake and it just ran off, Fred helpfully suggested using the edible eyes I had recently bought, to make it a poop emoji cake! Didn't bother with that! But we had the roast dinner Ewan had requested and put the candles in a potato, as the cake was far to runny for candles, Ewan thought that was very funny! And dispite the look of the cake, it was delicious and he loved it! So it worked out in the end 😀