Thursday, 21 January 2021

Twisted ear warmers

After all the hats I had been selling before Christmas, I decided to keep up my little business and start making other things. So I knitted up some twisted earwarmers and posted some pictures on the local selling site and my page and to my surprise when I went back on not long after I had orders! All evening I was getting orders and the next day and they just kept coming. I don't think I have ever been so excited or worked so hard getting them all done. What started in my craft shed spead to the conservatory and the dining room with orders and will everywhere. I hit the ground running!
Some colours were so popular i was ordering wool and then more wool!
We decided that we would use the money we make to get more craft supplies and a cricut machine that I have wanted for a while and within two weeks we had reached our goal, but that only spurred us on.
Its nice to be at the start of something, I have so many ideas and thoughts about what else I would like to make and sell and its so nice to get lovely messages from people who have bought them. 
Dispite the lockdown 2021 has had a great start for me ☺

Friday, 1 January 2021

Happy New Year 2021

Happy new year 2021! I can't lie and say that 2020 was the worse year ever for us, it wasn't.  We had lots of great family time, I work from home now which means the kids don't have to go to after school club and I can walk and pick them up,  something which I had really missed. Not to mention the amount of money its saved.
I feel totally more positive about so many things going into the new year.
The kids were so excited to see we had a small sprinkling of snow,  and scooped up every bit to make a tiny snowman. We saw in new year watching the Lancashire hotpots alternative new year celebrations, with a few drinks and even some dancing.
Now to start my new years do more crafting 🤣