Wednesday, 17 April 2013

Back to Reality

After the last two weeks of Easter holidays, having been able to relax the routine a little, its back to a full schedule of work, school, clubs, homework and housework which leaves little time for my hobbies. Its amazing how much time gets taken up with dropping off and collecting children, no sooner have i dropped E at school and M at nursery on the days she goes, popped home spend a few hours working, and done a few chores ( as well as constantly stopping to look after Little F) i am back waiting to collect one then the other, then off to Gymnastics, Judo,Beavers or whatever they happen to be doing that day. To be honest though i don't mind, its strange but on the days when my mum offers to have them for the day, i feel at a total loss and i dread the day when they don't need me to do it for them.

Whilst i am waiting for them at clubs, i always use the time wisely by taking my crochet or knitting along and have noticed that other are starting to do the same, so a little natter and knit is starting to form!

This week i have mainly been working on squares for my blankets, but i did have time to finish off my Mickey and Minnie hat. I have seen them an quite a few sites but just made them using another pattern i had and adapted it.

I love them!

The Minnie hat was for Little M and she was so delighted with it she wanted to wear it to nursery  which i let her. When i picked her up though the staff couldn't find it so i will now have to keep a look out for another small child who might have claimed it for themselves :) and i will have to make M another.

Well off to bed for me, Its only 8pm but its been a busy work day today, its always the same when it rains, everyone wants to book a holiday, which is good for me as a Travel agent:). Hopefully tomorrow i will have some time to myself so i can do this weeks Granny Squares in the CAL.
Bye for now x

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