Saturday, 2 May 2015

Sun Shine stay!

Yesterday was  lovely sunny day and it got me thinking at as well as loving sunny weather it also has loads of benefits, the kids are happy to play out which means the house is tidier for longer, the washing can be dried outside so it barely if at all needs ironing and you can do loads, yesterday i did three loads! (i know, the excitement!), you use less, gas and electric so saving money and if like me you tan easy you, can look great at the end of the day! Plus outside you can do loads of crafts that would make one big mess inside. I have a list as long as my arm for this summer, after the gala, as i don't think i will have all that much time between now and then.

Another benefit is Car booting, i love looking for bargains but so far they have been full of tat really, i suppose if you have something decent now you put it on e-bay. Also as it was really nice weather last weekend, it took nearly an hour to leave
Wish i had taken my knitting as it was lovely and warm sat in the car.
When we finally made it back, Paul taught Molly to ride without stabilizers, she is big enough for Ewans old bike now, but she just cried all the time, she didn't even fall off, so it wasn't as if she had hurt herself, she says she doesn't like bikes. she is just very stubborn and once she has made up her mind she will stick to it no matter what, i definitely know who she takes after with that!!(and its not us). Paul has loads of patience so i am sure she will learn on day and she did do really well, she just needs to decide she wants to learn.

The worst thing about last week was getting tooth ache on Monday, i had to go to the emergency dentist, who says i need root canal, so now i am on really strong antibiotics and have felt really lethargic and lazy this week, despite it being really quite busy.

Well today is spring cleaning day so i need to motivate myself, we are going to go through everything sorting and cleaning, no stone will be left un turned today!
bye xx

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