This week i introduced Fred to The Wizard of Oz and both he and Alex were captivated its amazing how a film from the 30's can still hold a child's attention today, after all the filming techniques and animation we have today, but it still doesn't feel that old to me. It always makes me a bit sad to watch it now, years ago a read a book about Judy Garland and her troubled life and this is where her addiction to pills started, such a wonderful talented singer and actress, controlled by the film company's. But it is still one of my favorites and now Fred to, who is sat in one of Molly's princess dresses, how he like to dress up!
Last night the kids apart from Alex had a sleep over at my parents, they were a bit worried about him waking up and falling down the stairs at the kids room is at the top and the stairs are so wide our babygates don't fit, so we kept him with us and decided to have a evening out at the beach.
It was lovely and bright and clear but so very very cold and windy
We sat in the car and had some Pulled pork, that i had made and some yummy hot chocolate
Its strange being out with only 1 child, but it was very peaceful and i think Ali enjoyed having us all to himself, He went straight to the sea, but then , wanted to go back to the car, i think it was too cold for even him.
On the drive home we saw big black clouds, but the nearer we got we quickly realised it was a huge fire, near to where we live, a warehouse was completely engulfed in flames.
Reading the news this morning at least nobody was hurt, it was still burning this morning.
I have been busy float making for the gala, this is how it all starts, big pieces of polystyrene on wood, and we "pluck" it with strips of plastic. I have brought a couple of the pieces home to work on
This is one of the decorated pieces from a few years ago before we stripped it all off to start again. The bit i am working on was one i helped make a couple of years ago and its strange to put so much work in only to strip it off and start again. I am looking forward to gala day and i can show you all the finished thing, so this will be craft time for me for the next few weeks, as i am working on two different floats
hope you are all having a good weekend too