Saturday, 25 March 2017

Rainbow Swiss Roll

We have had some dull dreary weather days recently and a few storms including storm Ewan! he was pleased to have a storm named after him.

I have seen this Rainbow Swiss Roll on pinterest lots of times and we decided to go bright and cheer up the day with a bit of baking

I love the colours of the cake mix, the new coloring pastes i got are fantastic, just wish it hadn't taken me so long to buy some, you only need a tiny amount and the colours really pop

I don't know why i decided to use baking trays with only tiny sides, it made a mess of the oven dripping all over the place, but at least i have a sheet in the bottom which makes it easier to clean up all the cake mix

Rolling them up was a bit tricky and one worked far better than the other

It was a lot of work for something that was demolished in minutes, but all good fun.

A bit more colour therapy....

Is the start of my new blanket, which is Sophie's universe.

Can't wait for it to get bigger and have it draped over the couch when its finished

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Choo Choo Train Jumper

One of my recent makes and probably on of the last things i will finish for a while as its so busy round here and will be for a while yet. Everything comes at once and this is why i am up at 5am just so i can have a hour or so to myself.

I found the pattern on Ravelry  Pattern here  and i just loved the little train design.

It was an easy knit, but the sizes were very small and it was obvious that it was going to be too small so i added extra stitches and winged it a bit.

He really suits it and when i just went to get the pattern link for this post i spotted a hat pattern the same so i think i know what my next project will be!! i think i have just enough of the yarn left for it

He is a little poser, he loves having his picture taken

Off to finish my cup of tea now x

Alex's 3rd Birthday

A few weeks ago Alex the littlest one turned 3!! no idea where the last 3 years when but he is the cutest funeyest little boy. When he was a baby we started calling him Ali baba which was his little nick name, over time it was mostly shortened to baba and to this day the other kids call him baba, but i think he is getting to big for that name now. We got rid of the pram the other week and we just have a little fold up pushchair for if we need it, that felt very sad as i have always had a pram for nearly 11 years, lifes changing now and they are getting bigger

Alex's faveriote film at the moment is the Good Dinosaur, so i thought i would make a dinosaur cake for him, which was a lot easier than i though it would be and he really loved. When we brought it in and sang happy birthday he was flapping about and wiggling on his chair with a huge smile on his face and wide eyes, it was funny, it could barely wait to blow the candles out.

We actually decided to celebrate his birthday on a Sunday instead of the Tuesday and we gave him idpressents then as well, as we had bought him a bike and it meant we could all celebrate and he could play on his bike, where as on his birthday he would be at nursery, although on that day they made him a cake and he celebrated with all his friends.

The night before was Hambleton Galas at home party which was a disco, buffet and visit from Paw Patrol, so really it was like a birthday party for him!

He had an amazing time,even at a young age he loves the gala and this year he will be part of Mollys retinue.
I took lots of videos of his birthday but not many pictures,we had a relaxing family day complete with Mc Nonalds which is what Alex calls it and what he is always asking for.

This is Alex at 3!!!!

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Its been a long time.... Half term

Wow its been over a month since i posted last and i really don't know where the time has gone. I have several posts i have started but i never get round to finishing them but i will soon as i have finished a few of my projects and started some new ones, including one very exciting new challenge!

Of course now i am back at work full time that really eats into my craft time, but i always find time for a bit of knitting as its just so relaxing,even if some times its at 4am and i can't sleep as i have so much going on in my head and in my life, ideas,things i must do, my volentry work,just not enough hours in the day.

The gala id getting back into full swing and we when to the Queen of Queens competition in Staining and our Gala Princess Won!

I let Ali hold my Phone and he took about 50 selfies!

The kids love these gala events and Molly is just bursting with excitement for when its her turn

I had the week off work for half term and despite not being well we took the time just to relax and be together.

I did a bit of baking and these ham and Cheese Swirls went down a treat

I had a fab night out with my training group from work and we have more nights out planned

I will be having this cocktail again 

Ewan had to spend some of the holidays learning the hard way!!! i found piles of clothes including shirts that had not been worn screwed up in the bottom of a toy box,so i taught him to iron and after completing a huge pile he has mainly been managing to put his clothes away..result

Molly and i had some girly time,i found these stick on nails for kids,think we will get some for her for the gala

We made Rocky Road Flapjacks and started on Mollys float for the gala! which is coming on amazingly but i can't show you till June!! so there will be a big reveal, this is the kids stripping off the old design

The big two kept busy making friendship bands

So that was pretty much our half term x