Saturday, 11 March 2017

Its been a long time.... Half term

Wow its been over a month since i posted last and i really don't know where the time has gone. I have several posts i have started but i never get round to finishing them but i will soon as i have finished a few of my projects and started some new ones, including one very exciting new challenge!

Of course now i am back at work full time that really eats into my craft time, but i always find time for a bit of knitting as its just so relaxing,even if some times its at 4am and i can't sleep as i have so much going on in my head and in my life, ideas,things i must do, my volentry work,just not enough hours in the day.

The gala id getting back into full swing and we when to the Queen of Queens competition in Staining and our Gala Princess Won!

I let Ali hold my Phone and he took about 50 selfies!

The kids love these gala events and Molly is just bursting with excitement for when its her turn

I had the week off work for half term and despite not being well we took the time just to relax and be together.

I did a bit of baking and these ham and Cheese Swirls went down a treat

I had a fab night out with my training group from work and we have more nights out planned

I will be having this cocktail again 

Ewan had to spend some of the holidays learning the hard way!!! i found piles of clothes including shirts that had not been worn screwed up in the bottom of a toy box,so i taught him to iron and after completing a huge pile he has mainly been managing to put his clothes away..result

Molly and i had some girly time,i found these stick on nails for kids,think we will get some for her for the gala

We made Rocky Road Flapjacks and started on Mollys float for the gala! which is coming on amazingly but i can't show you till June!! so there will be a big reveal, this is the kids stripping off the old design

The big two kept busy making friendship bands

So that was pretty much our half term x

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