Sunday, 8 October 2017


For a couple more this now I have been trying to post on my blog and have really struggled as it seems to take forever to up load pictures and even when I manage to do that the posts fail to publish for some reason. However just as I was thinking of giving up I have discovered various apps that can be used on my new phone, So after a bit of playing about I am hopeful that I have got the gist and will be able to continue with my blog, which I am glad about even if it's just for me as I enjoy looking back on  the things we have done

This weekend was a trip to illuminasia as it will be closing for good in a few weeks and as the last time we went was a couple of years ago I thought we should take the opportunity while we still can. You can see fro. The pictures it's a really bright and colourful exhibition that takes you around the world both real and magical. My favourite is the Land of the Giants and it reminds me of that old film honey  I shrunk the kids! We all really enjoyed it.
Ewan wasn't with us as he was at an activity centre with school it was a like a getting to know you and make friends with lots of the other year 7 kids. Which he really enjoyed.

1 comment:

  1. Fabulous pictures. I've heard that you can buy items from the displaysbut you need to put your orders in before they start dismantling it.

