Back when I started this blog, i started selling crochet character hats and baby hats. I mainly sold them as I had small children and at the baby groups and school, people asked about the hats I had made for my children and wanted to buy them, so for a couple of years I was very busy making and selling hats. When I went back to work full-time I didn't have the time anymore and just made things for the kids.
All that changed when just before Halloween Fred asked for a ghost hat, which I made and then Alex wanted one so I made him a pumpkin hat. It had been a while since I had made hats as we now have a huge bag full and they pick which ever they want to wear. But people started asking where the kids got the Halloween hats from and because of lockdown and me working from home, I had a bit more time on my hands, along with Molly wanting to make things to sell, so I decided to restart, well start posting again on the makings from the madhouse fb page and start selling again. I said to Molly that it would be a good opportunity to make some money to put towards decorating our craft shed (more of that in another post!)
So we did and on 1st November, we started selling hats again. After some research knitted beanies were our first products along with face masks and scrunchies. I soon had the bug again for character hats and started getting custom orders which was great and gave me the opportunity to get creative again.