Saturday, 2 January 2016

Last of the holidays

The last couple of weeks with Paul and the kids off has been really nice, ok it was mad busy the first week getting ready for Christmas, but i love the week in between, where there is nowhere we have to be, no time restraints and just freedom to relax and enjoy each others company. Although i had plans for walks and family outings we didn't really leave the house all that much. In the mornings we would get up and i could sit knitting for a couple of hours and watching 48 hours on the net while the kids were happy playing and Paul was tidying up, he seems to understand now what its like for me to be constantly picking up all day and that its easier to leave it till later on otherwise you just end up doing it all over again! But its definitely nice sharing the load for a while whilst he is off.

We made it to the Tower Circus on the Tuesday, Ewan wanted to go and play with his cousin, so we dropped him off on the way.

I love the intricate decor at the tower and the circus is no different, its amazing

I would love to have these tiles in the house, not sure where though

The kids really enjoyed it and Molly came home with a big bag of circus things, like spinning plates, much fun has been had trying them out this week

On New years even we went to a party at the local football club, we have never been out as a family on new year before and actually Paul and i have only been out once and that was 2007!
Molly has been asking me to dye her hair pink and i explained i really couldn't do that, but i did eventually do a few little streaks in the middle underside of her hair and only left it on for 10 minutes so she just got a few pastel pink streaks and after i curled it up for her, which looked really good as you could just see the pink in the bottom of the curls

It was a great night and the kids were dancing and playing games, in fact it was full of kids! we met up with my friend and her family

Fred lasted till 9pm and then we put him and Ali in the pram and Ali soon fell asleep too

After eating so meny roasts dinners and left overs, i made a Lasange and Pizza toasts for New Years day, nice comforting food and  these rainy days

Tonight Ewan is having a sleep over at Nannas with his cousin, so as he doesn't like spicy food we had a Mexican buffet.

The kids like helping themselves, so we have decided that this will be our Saturday night thing, i will make a few diffrent things and they can help themselves, also its nice to eat as a family which we always do on a Sunday, but as Paul finishes quite late during the week, the kids eat, then we eat.

Molly is wearing her Chinese dress she got for Christmas despite it really being a summer dress, but once Molly has decided something you really can't change her mind.

I had to post this picture which sums up our lazy PJ week, with Alex asleep on the couch.

So the tree is down and the house is slowly getting back into shape, Its been a great Christmas and i will Sad when Paul goes back to work on Monday. I have lots to keep me busy and have some new craft projects on the go, also i finished a virus shawl, so i will post that later.


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