Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Gala Day Makes Part 1 The Float

This year as my children were on the float it was one of my jobs to help decorate it.

The queens mum chose the theme and had already started decorating it so the other parents didn't really get a say in what it would be like which was a shame as in a group you can usually come up with some good ideas.

so I brought my side home to work on. This is what the sides look like when we start his polystyrene stuck on wood.
Next we have to draw on the design

Then comes the work, we use long strips of plastic bag and with something pointy, I used a crochet book, you look the plastic round your finger and push it into the polystyrene so you get lots of little loops.

it's quite relaxing acctually and the kids helped a bit too.

soon it was ready to try on the float with all the other bits

And here we are the final float on gala day!

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