Saturday, 26 September 2015

Calm and more cake

I am sat with some hot lady grey tea, a hot cup of tea with four kids is a luxury, and some toast with real butter reading some blogs, the kids are playing with the duplo brinks and have built a fort with soldiers (little bricks), Alex seems to have acquired a little duplo garage and is wheeling his car in and Fred is playing with moonsand, they are all chattering, humming and singing to themselves and the tv is on in the background but nobody is watching, all is happy and content and there really isn't any place i would rather be. I am making the most of it because it could be minutes or perhaps an hour, who knows before something happens and chaos erupts.

Thursday was our 4th wedding anniversary and we decide to stay in as Paul was working late, so i treated us to some champagne and made some chocolate coated strawberrys, which is what we were left in our cabin on our wedding day. We got married on a cruise ship. The glasses were a present from the captain and we always get them out on special occasions and Christmas when we have champagne. 

I made a little table decoration with our glass bowl we got off the ship and used on of the passion flowers from the bush at the front of the house

Yesterday the rain cleard up and the kids had chance to play outside, they love the new play area and at least they don't bring lots of mud into the house. I was actually quite a warm day

There was more cake baking, this time for the Macmillian coffee afternoon at school, which was really well attended, and there was more cakes than we ever have at the school fairs and there were some really yummy amazing ones that put mine to shame

Alex managed Three all on his own!

When we got back, poor Fred fell outside and cut his head, there was blood everywhere, but thankfully it was just grazed. this was after i has cleaned it up, before his hair was matted with blood

Just a cute picture of Alex in his little shirt

Well now the arguments have started, approximatly 10 minutes after the wrote they were happy, thats just life in a big family and i know that one day i will miss it when they are all grown up! x

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