Sunday, 6 September 2015

Getting ready for back to school

This week has just been about relaxing as much as possible and i have done lots of knitting on Pauls jumper, i will have to share some pictures. We got the uniform we had found missing after out clear out and think we are now ready for back to school. We visited nana and went hatters as molly had a party to go to, we baked cakes, we read, face painted (another post!) and just generally enjoyed the garden and being outside, making the most of the last of the warm weather.
On Saturday we went to Blackpool t be part of CBBC Shout out Live, we had got free tickets in the draw. The event was in the headlands where the switch on is held and this is where the back of the queue to get in was, for those that know the area, you will appreciate how long the queue was, but it did move quite quickly

We didn't stay for the full time as lots of it was just them getting ready to film and we were quite far back, so we decided to head to Maccie Ds for a breakfast treat. Then we had home as Paul took part in a football tournament in memory of his childhood friend who sadly died 8 years ago. His friends do it every year. He is a bit (alot) achy this morning. 

I took this photo as i was curious as to why the whole promenade has been re done apart from this small stretch of railings, going to try to find out, maybe it was just as a reminder of what it was like, who knows

Dispite starting the holidays excited and looking forward to the holidays and then having a wobble in the middle due to constantly being on the go and having a majorly messy house, i have really enjoyed the last week and am feeling a bit sad that they are going back. They are all good kids and are good company and i like just getting up in a more relaxed way ( not that i ever get to sleep in past 7am, 8am if i am super super super lucky!) not having to jump up and start getting everyone ready, breakfast, packed lunched the homework that has go missing, finding the shoes, coat, hat etc etc etc you get the picture. That is something i am not looking forward to at all. I have missed the walk to school in the morning however and i am looking forward to the misty frosty mornings and that smell that comes with it at this time of year. I know it will be a busy few months with Halloween, bonfire night and Christmas and all the other things that go with it. Hopefully i can get lots of crafting done as i really feel i haven't had the time so far this year,  Now i am off to Mums for roast dinner before putting the kids to bed nice and early ready for school tomorrow xx

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